Nourishing our Caregivers

Feed Black Futures is the only Black-, Queer-, women-led organization in California investing in Black food economies and supporting prison-impacted Black mamas and caregivers in attaining food sovereignty.

Our Offerings

Education and Advocacy

We provide land stewardship training, skills building, and resources to our community members interested in beginning or deepening their growing practice. Because those who are closest to the problem are the closest to the solution, we also facilitate advocacy education so that our families know how to make their voices heard.

Food Distribution

We deliver farm fresh produce to families impacted by the criminal (in)justice system, including probation, parole, and/or caring for an incarcerated loved one.  Our food comes from Black and Brown farmers using agroecological practices to support local food economies, communities, and our climate. 


Food sovereignty is the goal, but to achieve it, we must work in community with one another. To that end, we invest in our communities’ learning and growing along with their land. We install gardens at homes, share knowledge, and support families so they grow food to eat or sell and and determine what goes into their body and food system.

Why mamas and caregivers impacted by incarceration?

Black mamas and caregivers impacted by incarceration deserve the ability to nourish their families and shape a hopeful future for themselves and their loved ones. 

Yet, systemic injustices often deny them housing, jobs, and public assistance. 1 in 5 formerly incarcerate people experience food insecurity with even higher rates among women and Black communities. Disproportionate incarceration rates, growing food apartheid, and systemic poverty in neighborhoods across California is depriving too many families of nutrient rich food and harming our health. 

Feed Black Futures provides families impacted by incarceration with healthy food, education, and entrepreneurial skills. Together, we can cultivate a future where Black women and femmes are at the forefront of the agroecological movement and have equitable access to local resources. 

Mission: Creating a world where Black people have access to high-quality fresh food and the means and skills to produce it. 

Vision: Black people are nourished, body and soul, by sustainable Black food systems and have the power to cultivate our own health, wealth, and healing. 

Thank you to our funders

More produce. Less prisons.